Minimalism a Documentary About the Important Things Review
Rich Bros proceed less stuff.
A succession of wall street types articulate a fair bargain of stuff out of their big, fancy, rich bro condos. It hard to sympathise with people like this, especially the "homeless" guy who has admission to enough money to constantly move around the globe staying in hotels.
They may be able to cut 6 shirts downwards to two, just they clearly tin't escape the stranglehold of capitalism. Buy their new volume.
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Misses The Boat
I have been getting into Minimalism and reading the blogs/listening to the podcasts of not but The Minimalist but many others featured in this movie. Then when notices came up nigh this movie I thought, heck ya, I'll go come across it. And ,I'm sure similar some others in the theater, I dragged along a loved one to see what they thought.
The unfortunate thing is that this moving picture gives out goose egg of practical value to one who has not been researching, reading books, and watching YouTube videos on the subject area. It'southward a nice promo and in that location is a smattering of interesting information...but not much.
The problem is on both ends of the spectrum. At the beginning of the spectrum is "what do I DO to be minimalist?" and the other end of the spectrum is "what is my bodily end PURPOSE in becoming a minimalist?" This movie does non really address either stop.
If you wanna talk PURPOSE go read James Wallman's Stuffocation. Brilliant book. Why do I and others get into Minimalism? Minimalism is the stepping stone towards clearing the way to going after what you Really want. Wallman's book discusses it in particular. This picture show should have had a lot more of that. Especially in the instance of Colin Wright. They had Colin Wright in the movie for, like, a minute. But his story is a lot more than interesting. For him, Minimalism was non the cease was the end game. Minimalism is how he achieved it. There should have been a lot more stories in the movie along this vein.
So how nearly the beginning of the spectrum? Here they failed also. Before the film started a loud couple behind me were chatting away and i couldn't aid just hear the chat. The woman asked "does this have anything to do with that woman who wrote the Tidying Upward book?" I couldn't aid simply inwardly smirk slightly...except in the finish this adult female had a point.
Some practical advice on HOW to go minimalist would have been every bit handy every bit some "other spectrum end" stuff on the why of information technology. There was a little scrap about the 333 Projection, but hell, The Minimalists didn't fifty-fifty discuss the famous "packing political party." Numerous 5-infinitesimal videos on YouTube are going to requite yous more practical advice than you get here. There wasn't even any talk about psychology or your relationship to your things. This is an important aspect of the topic.
A few good things: that woman who discussed marketing and advertising...she was good. Interesting story about that newscaster that lost it on air. And Sam Harris. You can e'er give me more Sam Harris.
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Pretentious well-to-practice people downsizing a difficult thing to empathize with...
Having spent the last two-and-a-half years living on a 25 human foot long sailboat, I am in a position to say a discussion or two about minimalism. And it could be said that in the realm of living a minimalistic life people who alive on boats accept been doing it for a long long time, much longer than what these filmmakers propose.
What I appreciate about the film is that it does suggest a great many skillful thoughts for conversation on how life can be more full with less stuff.
Unfortunately where this film fell quite flat for me was in that nigh of the interviews are with people who are well- to-do making six-digit incomes and deciding that they don't want a big firm instead choosing to live a minimalistic life which is fine. But a groovy many people choose to live minimalistic lives that are not as wealthy, and are just working-grade folks.
And every bit some of the reviewers here have pointed out a film nearly minimalism should be perhaps much shorter and to the point, so hither is mine on the advantages of a minimalistic lifestyle.
I am asked often what it is like for my life on my small-scale sailboat and the answer is that I accept found stuff creates anchors. Similar the death with ten thousand minor cuts these anchors are each and of themselves so tiny, so small, and then insignificant, that one does not detect them but in totality they wind up creating a sort of quicksand trapping you in place, doing a thing so that yous may concur on to these things.
And that a life where your identity is deeply embedded in the things around you that are yours is in fact an extremely hollow course of being.
As it stands for the warmer one-half of the year when I go far habitation from work if in that location is wind, 15 minutes later I'thou out sailing with very few anchors abaft behind.
I'thou glad someone is saying these things well-nigh minimalism, I'm simply non so sure these guys did the all-time task of it.
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I like the cause, simply this documentary doesn't add much to it.
Minimalism tin be an eye-opening message for anyone who hasn't been exposed to information technology, but for nigh, it'due south as well niggling also late. Documentaries similar Food Inc and An Inconvenient Truth were ahead of their time, coming out earlier the zenith of the information age. But minimalism has pervaded through blogs, books, Youtube, higher lectures and TED already, and making this documentary at this time was a very condom selection.
It has a little bit of everything, some dialogue from semi-famous bloggers (and Sam Harris), a few anecdotes, pictures, information, some shots of Americans being iphone-addicted slobs. It has a lot of practiced 1 liners merely doesn't particularly become into any one thing in depth. I don't call up I walked away from information technology knowing anything I didn't already know.
Every now and and then, I do need a little reminder to cut back on my backlog and focus on quality rather than quantity, and this movie does that. It's useful for that.But this joins a long line of works with the clichรฉ bulletin of "avoid consumerism, find fulfilment in your life and live in the woods maybe".
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Corking idea, disappointing execution
I concur with and try to alive in accordance with the central idea that this documentary is trying to get across - focus on the important things rather than on consumer objects. Merely this documentary was a disappointment - I didn't fifty-fifty get all the way through. Information technology's calorie-free on content, repeating the same basic ideas over and over. And using the book bout as a central narrative was dull and made the documentary look like an advertising for the book.
Instead, I would have loved to have seen other bug explored. How do different minimalists do information technology differently? Is minimalism simply a way of having a overnice depression-stress life or practice people employ it equally a basis for helping others? What are some applied means of reducing costs? How do people blend it with other alternative means of living? How accept people lived minimally in history? Does it piece of work better in a city or the countryside? etc.
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Alot of lost poor souls coming together over stupidity.
I had to write a review about how extremely shallow and stupid this documentary is. It is one of the stupidest films I have seen in the terminal few years.
Opens with guy with a smart phone, a auto, a business firm, and everything he needs, who tries to explain how proud he is of having and then piffling in his life. Almost all the people featured in this documentary are upper middle class americans who realised they accept been overspending money on trash. Completely unbeknowst that this is not normal. And infact, we dont live like that in Europe, Asia or Africa. Estimate what America, nosotros know you overspend. You caused the housing crash financial crunch ten years ago.
So here nosotros are witnessing a bunch of idiots basically who now merits this matter chosen minimalism is their new religion. Typical american way of thinking, taking everything to the farthermost. Either they want maximalism or they want minimalism. Completely disregarding that this arroyo has been skillful in other countries such as those post-obit buddhism, where Buddha preached this 2500 years ago.
In that location's nothing new with the concept of this documentary. The simply new thing here is the complete lack of self-insight for these americans. The storytelling is just and then offputting, and it doesnt assist with ane of the main characters who used to be a CEO, needing to hug anybody. He talks more about hugging people who doesn't want a hug, than he talks about minimalism. Alot of lost poor souls hither coming together over a new plant religion.
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A documentary about minimalism should be minmalistic
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to learn about minimalism, idea this could be cool. I was wrong. The film was also long, likewise repetitive, didn't focus on the important things. I was hoping to acquire virtually the psychological furnishings, perhaps learn most sick effects of hoarding, and that blazon of stuff. Something with scientific testify.
Instead it was more about their book tour, and their spreading their message like a organized religion, that had a creepy vibe to it. I would have liked to have heard more about the theory of minimalism and less about how they are huggers and how people call back it'southward cool and back up them.
Seems to me that ane of the master guys lived ane farthermost, experienced a lot of trauma, and now lives the complete contrary extreme. That doesn't seem similar a healthy approach. Therapy might be a better option.
This could have been edited to about xxx mins and would have been a lot more constructive. Information technology was fragmented, non really well laid out, and repetitive (yeah I repeated that information technology was repetitive). Like I said in the championship, they should have followed their own communication and kept it simple and minimalistic.
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An easy introduction to minimalism
I think most reviews here don't get the point. It'due south not supposed to requite you a plan for how to live like a minimalist. This is a documentary made for people who don't already live minimalist and oasis't done whatsoever reading on the subject field. This could serve as a great wake up phone call for many and all Western materialists should watch it. It's like an easy introduction to the topic.
It doesn't exercise much for someone who already lives similar that only and so what? "I rather read blogs on the subject and bla bla bla", yeah okay distressing gauge what? You are the narcissistic hipster you and then much like to mock. Y'all don't need guidelines or blogs to live a minimalist life. To exist able to choose minimalism is always a huge privilege as you tin can meet in this documentary and I retrieve this fact makes it easier for Western people to relate and absorb something from Minimalism.
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Recommended if you don't know virtually Minimalism, otherwise non so much...
If you accept not heard about the minimalism movement and feel curious nearly it I totally recommend this movie (available on Netflix), it could be center-opening and inspiring for you.
Notwithstanding as a person who has read a few articles and watched a few videos on minimalism and consumerism issues, I establish this documentary lacking in deep, new and engaging ideas. It felt more than similar a long promotional video for the book with interesting stories of people thrown in between.
The extract from president Carter's spoken language was the most interesting part to me, the message might not be new but information technology was delivered with clarity and strength.
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If I hear i of these self-captivated guys say "I'm a hugger, man" one more fourth dimension...
I love the concept of "minimalism" but I'k not a fan of this documentary. I use the word "documentary" loosely, as this more than closely resembles some self-promotional video.
"Does this item or possession requite y'all joy or add value to your life?" - I couldn't quite figure out who was ripping off who more. Did Marie Kondo greenbacks-in on minimalism start? Or was information technology these guys? I don't fifty-fifty know.
This was definitely more most "the Minimalists" themselves, rather than the concept of minimalism. Every now and then at that place was a niggling cantankerous-promotion with some of their hipster friends' projects. When the Joshua Millburn started reading his book out loud in the desert I almost switched it off. The thing is, the guys' priorities in life were already messed up. Mine aren't. I could go rid of some stuff, but I already know what truly matters and live my life accordingly.
While I can't remember the last time I purchased something materialistic, that wasn't a survival need, I do consume in other ways - via social media, my telephone etc. That aspect of things was quite interesting - meditation, and removing stimuli (rather than just possessions) from your environment was a healthy reminder to me.
Minimalism was disjointed, and a little besides America-axial for such a universal concept. Gotta love all these minimalist people surrounded by all their expensive laptops and technology too. It all felt so apposite, scripted and fake - peculiarly when that Joshua Millburn guy reminisces about the life events that made him reevaluate what mattered in life.
Do yourself a favour - don't lookout man this. Switch off your Television receiver instead and go throw some junk out.
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What is going on here?
And so corporate America are the enemies, but the principal subjects of this movie seem to be enjoying the spoils of that economy.
This felt similar a lot of people woke upwardly and realized they were very shallow people and needed something to assail. Since these particular people bought a lot of stuff and were in debt because of information technology, stuff was the enemy.
It'southward also middle rolling for someone who fabricated "6 figures" (which is constantly said) to insinuate information technology's "like shooting fish in a barrel" to just "travel and discover life". Yep, those years of making a large income brand that possible for you lot. Your finance background making that big income for years mean yous probably have enough passive income than the average person.
Also, all these "minimalist" certain do accept lots of stuff to preach against it constantly.
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Great Documentary, Easy Admission to Minimalism
I am one kind of person who alive for more stuff, actually I intendance much nearly what people think, and of course what I own. When they compliment me for the success I got with those expensive stuff, I experience proud and happy but not for long. I go along buying stuff, to maintain the proudness nearly these. Afterall I realize people don't really intendance nearly what I got. The movie is somehow describe me, people may call they're crazy to go astern to the norm of society. Yes they do. Merely It's a good thing for us both in term of metallic health and physical wellness when the surroundings get more burden from scare resources and pollution. And why this picture don't requite any specific direction to minimalism and the purpose of it. I think information technology advice us to give be concentrate on each individual's important things. And that's what different betwixt people. We tin't tell exactly. We gonna discover out our all ways. I feel grateful watching this. I will give myself a time to grow and become a minimalist, not considering they ask me to or I admire them. But merely because I'm tired of the way I used to alive : Living for more.
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I really wanted to like this but it rubbed me the wrong way. The bros came off every bit egotist more than minimalist. My business organisation is that while they are perhaps trying to promote a lifestyle, they are motion actively trying to promote themselves.
Every bit experts that were featured in the documentary noted: consumerism threatens our mental health and environs. Instead of focusing on this compelling statement--the bros wanted to talk almost their moms, previous corporate success, their very successful blog spot #theminimalist and book which is available for download on Amazon. I would have preferred a focus on the reasons for converting to a minimalist lifestyle rather than a fun memory book Josh and Ryan's Excellent Adventure.
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Really bad documentary
Ever been fascinated by minimalism in architecture, philosophy, fine art, music, food etc. I was expecting this to be an intelligent documentary about the origins and the various philosophical developments of minimalism and its influence on cultures ,architecture, art. I was expecting to hear nearly the most important link to Japanese civilisation. Nothing. This 'documentary' is just a simplistic commercial Hollywood attempt to explain something to dummies. So sorry, it had a lot of potential.
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Maximalist Review On Minimalist Lifestyle
My married woman claims I'grand a minimalist. I disagree whole-heartedly. Sure, I'yard able to easily part with stuff, simply I still accept a lot of stuff. I have my baseball game clothing, football game clothing, basketball game... you go it. Fifty-fifty with the corporeality of wearing apparel and other things I take I still strive for less. So, naturally, I was attracted to the title and subject of this documentary.
In general, I favor documentaries. The simplicity of them, the unscriptedness and raw truth--even if information technology is only from a certain perspective. This documentary was no unlike. I am non a minimalist but I wouldn't mind being i. Information technology is a lifestyle that I see equally quite fulfilling and sustainable. It was heady to hear from minimalists and how they arrived at that lifestyle. Some were single (as the featured duo were), some were married with and without kids so as to show how this fashion of life can work for various family unit structures.
Some may take viewed the different participants in the documentary and but seen the myriad of things they would accept to part with, or they may have seen a huge void. Me, I saw freedom. Liberty from stress, freedom from clutter (which is a large contributor to my stress), freedom from the pursuit of space for the stuff and liberty to motility around or just exist. It was a very nice documentary that is non wholly unique.
The thought of anti-consumerism/anti-capitalism has been around for decades. Movies and documentaries in various forms take already been done condemning the idea of consumerism. This documentary does the same matter in a different manner.
Ane thing I would've liked is to see a minimalist arroyo to those who accumulate stuff by other than purchasing--such as the junk postal service collector, the memento collector or those who otherwise collect other largely useless trinkets. Their argument for keeping their stuff will always be that they never purchased it so how harmful tin it exist?
In any instance, the documentary is marvelous. I'm not a minimalist, I may never exist a minimalist merely it is still something I can greatly appreciate.
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Spoiled Young Americans Millennials Tell The Story Of How Difficult It Is To Exist Living In A Privileged Society
Oh, My.
Where to start. A agglomeration of young, skillful looking, men (by and large) find the path to true happiness: getting rid of all your stuff and live similar a (rich!) homeless person. Wow. Wonderful, isn't it?
This 'documentary' is nothing just 100 minutes long self masturbation. It is so boring to picket these well-to-do Americans - to most intolerable nation on the planet - doing us all a favour by not ownership the latest iphone or stylish clothes.
I have no idea what is the target audience of this nonsense, simply information technology would be actually funny to revisit these pretentious idiots in 20 years - after they will 'get over' their youthful credo and just like their parents and their grandparents will settle in suburban America, sentry fence and all.
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All Over The Identify - This Movie is Cocky Promoting Hodgepodge
So disappointing. Loved No Touch Human and so idea I would like this. A few parts were mildly interesting just this pic has no focus and was a hugely missed opportunity to present more facts and less random clips of generalizations and cocky promotions. Zip depth.
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Mod Day Snake Oil Salesmen
I think the concept of Minimalism is an interesting idea, only the documentary is more than of a promo for these guys who are profiteering off the back of an idea which is not their's. They claim to reject the tenets of the American dream, still paradoxically are becoming immensely rich off the dorsum of it. If yous swapped minimalism with any other product, you'd apace see that these guys are basically only crafty salesman. Hoping yous'll buy not into minimalism, only their sales pitch for their book. It'south smart, merely transparent. I learnt literally cypher almost Minimalism, this documentary has footling or no insights. It's actually just a pseudo documentary. The tiny segments with people like Sam Harris, that broke up this 'documentary', well-nigh seemed to accept been forced in to give it some weight and brownie. Pathetic. These guys remind me of Preachers!! only in America, do people autumn for this utter nonsense.
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Just one long commercial
Yeah these two dudes are simply salesmen, this whole "documentary" is just a promo for their volume & website & stuff. Pretty obvious right from the commencement with the scripted inspirational speaker blazon talk. Who falls for this crap? I got about 5 min in and was like Nope, I smell a fraud. The idea of minimalism is dandy, but these two guys are just tryin to go rich . I'thou not even certain I believe they ARE minimalists or if that'due south just what they show you on camera. The houses they evidence are probably just Air B n Bs they rented to flick the documentary.
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Disappointing treatment of an important bailiwick
I am in full and enthusiastic agreement with well-nigh of the ideas presented in this film. That's why I found it and so disappointing.
With the exception of Sam Harris, Juliet Schor and President Carter (clips from the bravest speech communication always given by a U.Southward. President), the talking heads were cloyingly earnest and oh, so skilful!
And stop all the hugging...delight!
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This documentary resonated with me and a bunch of friends effectually me.
It gave insight into the minimalist thought and material means of living that lifestyle. It was also great to run into Matt Da'Vella'southward work for myself.
Yet, the one thing I volition say, is that information technology skewed too far in i direction without giving a bigger motion picture view. Information technology was a great idea, and the story was probably crisp, but the execution didn't meet what I was thinking of.
Simply at the end of the twenty-four hours, maybe my opinion doesn't affair because the goal of the documentary was to do just that. Interesting documentary otherwise.
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Good introduction to the concept
I liked the message of the documentary. It argues that we don't demand all the extra stuff that we are constantly collecting. This is obstructing us from things that really affair. Y'all don't brand space for that since consuming seems more fulfilling myopically and seems more urgent. There were examples of multititude of people speaking well-nigh apparels, domicile space, career related things which we just get hooked on to without rethinking if that is for united states of america. The documentary didn't get very deep in the challenges of implementing it, or even the nuances and how several people have adopted it in their daily lives. In that location were traces of meditation helping, connecting with people, implementing this within a family or just your spouse. But it felt a little superficial. But overall I recommend it. The next time you are purchasing something, if this picture show triggers a deliberation, then it has left a marker. It seems to have done for me.
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Consumption doesn't equal adding pregnant to our lives.
My Rating : 7/10
Absolutely agree with everything they've said here - the whole world needs to take something out of this minimalism philosophy.
Advertizing is selling junk to the average consumer and younger consumers fall into the trap of ownership more than and more stuff.
A groovy and must-see documentary! Highly recommended.
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Left me wanting more than in the way of substance
Warning: Spoilers
Here's a doc, one would retrieve, for all the neo-Yuppies and pack rats out there, either living the high life every bit status seekers or as those enslaved by their cloth possessions. These are the types of people I think the ii subjects in MINIMALISM are out to achieve whilst on their book tour/lecture excursion, but are these ones fifty-fifty in attendance, or does not their message speak simply for those already converted to this rather utilitarian and practically timeless notion?
Call it "Voluntary Simplicity" (which has been around for decades), frugality, or Christly spirituality, what these two subjects present in this picture is certainly nil new, and all the same this documentary follows these two immature men around as if they were philosophical trailblazers who have hit upon a radically novel arroyo to living. My guess is that millions of people are already eschewing the fast lane and conspicuous consumption for a life of moderate consumerism, without giving information technology a proper name or feeling the need for there to exist a movement around for (ambitious) spokespersons to champion and promote.
In MINIMALISM, there'southward footage of a mob elbowing their way into a retail store in a mad rush to become inside, overcome by the gimmies. We're introduced to a globe-trotting derelict as well equally a homo who used to piece of work on Wall Street, up until he walked away from it in club to pursue a less money-centric lifestyle.
I establish the documentary to be at its all-time whenever information technology was less nigh its two subjects giving interviews on talk shows or hosting speaking engagements and being treated like they were cultural pioneers.
I needn't fifty-fifty have to go as far back in time to the early on Christians to find teachings pertaining to the gold mean. Here I think of Henry David Thoreau's "Walden," for example, published only a little more than a century agone.
Recently, I watched a film virtually self-assistance gurus. In it, there was a clip of an overly enthusiastic and stentorian speaker request of his audience who amid them wants more (as in more money and stuff). Information technology was all and so very rah-rah, with the guru interim similar a cheerleader, and the audience members responding by fashion of excited applause and unified shouts in the affirmative. And this is why the bones concept of living in moderation volition never catch on with the majority, at to the lowest degree non in the faithless and secular parts of the world. Not just are nearly consumers seemingly excessively acquisitive by nature merely these ones live in a culture where some if not most of their perceived wise men condone if not outright promote overconsumption! Still, I would not recommend MINIMALISM to such ones, as it's a doc more near 2 guys on a volume tour than it is a message pic nearly not being materialistic, wasteful, shallow, and indulgent.
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A i-hr long book ad: Beloved people, use things
Alert: Spoilers
This is a documentary consisting of many interviews and stories. These dots are connected with a book tour but besides make this picture look similar a long commercial for the book. It is okay but this long ad is superficial without details. I guess almost viewers are already their weblog readers. A list of bullets points that already mentioned in the web log without any deep thoughts is just a waste of time and money.
Some take dwelling messages (with no item in this film): 1)You practise not need so many stuff. two)Meditation helps. three)We do not use our house equally oftentimes equally we thought. iv)333 closet 5)It is difficult for you to be happier when you lot accomplish the income threshold of 80K dollars per twelvemonth. half-dozen)Dear people, employ things
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